Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A joyous feast to all this Summer Solstice! May the blessings of the season pour their Light upon you. Here is some Summer Solstice musick.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

     The following illustration was the accompanying image for the "Nigredo" poem of the previous post. It has been sketching away in my head for some time now, and it manifested for a Hermetic themed art show at The Hermit's Lamp. Many of us in the western mystery tradition know the importance of keeping a written record of one's life in relation to our Path. I am also working on keeping a visual record of the same more intentionally. And so I seek to draw a series of these alchemical steps as they unfold.

     Nigredo is the first step in Alchemy, when the Primateria is burnt to ashes. The Crow is a traditional symbol of this process, as is the skull. The ingredients shown are; the left flask is Saturnian, the right is Solar, as Phosphorus. Below is the Scourge of Sulphur, whose lashes are Fiery Serpents (Seraphim). Each of them containing symbols and glyphs of the process and accompanying forces at work. In the background is "the Rood Cross set upon the mountain" dispersing the clouds. 

     I will be making more entries the more I study this seal upon the phase of the Work.