Today is the letter of the Serpent flame, ascending and descending; it is the latter that is the special sign of Horus, the red triangle reversed. For here (refer to 'B') it is the result of the sounding of the Horn of the Archangel Izrafil that marks the end of the Age of Asar, the perceived end of their world as the Earth is bathed in the Force & Fire of the coming of Horus.
The Rider-Waite trump and its variants all depict the dead rising from their graves (which is many bible verses about the end-times), and we see the Father-Mother-Son together rising. And this is the III* Word of the OTO that defeats death, which also is hidden by Tehuti in the II*.
Crowley has retitled this trump "The Aeon" and the Mother, Father and Child are the 3 Aeons of humanities' evolution, and now it is the Child that rules, and Fire is their Element which is that of Will, Whose Wielded Weapon is the Wand or Rod, recalling Revelation 12:5.
It is the Fire that rises to Calcinate the Practicus in their Nigredo, reducing all to ash.
It is the Spiritual Flame of our self that incarnates into the new child to come.
It is the Fire that falls to the Kingdom of the Earth, to spread the Word of Do what thou wilt.
The gross must pass through fire.
Let all behold Fire falling from the Heavens!
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