Wednesday 30 May 2012


The skull always smiles,
Tooth by tooth
It gleams-
Picked clean;
By oily crow’s head
And sulphur’s lash
In brimstone's light
Its shadow cast.

Monday 7 May 2012

Hanging around Re Membering.

     It has been some time since I have posted anything and have held any Clerk House gatherings. My job and career has become rather consuming, and so I have had to pause any of these activities until I can take the time to give it the attention it so deserves. I'm in process of seeking to strike the balance betwixt work and Work, yoking them unto the Vehicle that I Am. I have been re-realizing that there is no 'work' & 'Work', for it is one Expression, even as every rock in our quarry must be chiseled into the blocks that make the Pyramid, the Temple, the House of God.

     Like any Child, the Clerk-House requires attention, loving attention, and to be fed, nourished and listened to for its needs. And so of late it has been pulling on my pant leg and breaking a couple of things here and there to get my attention, and moreso, to teach me in more severe ways, what I must do. As we know, Water is the basis of all life and one of the most needed elements to sustain our life even as it comprises the dominant part of our bodies (appx 60%) as well as the Earth's (appx 70%). And as the Hanged Man has been a dominant Trump to be poured upon me, it is only fitting that things have come to a stand still in Silence on the outside, turbulent Speech of memories on the inside.

     ON another note;
     I have been thinking on how the Sun comes around to the same place every year to shed its Light upon past events and bring new Illumination, awakening them from the slumber of memory. Birthdays, our solar return is well known, as are anniversaries. Memory and Mimir, the norse god whose decapitated head was kept by the sacred Well of Wisdom at one of the roots of Yggdrasill. Perhaps the very waters that Odin hung over, and gained the Runes hidden treasure. The Hanged Man was the last Trump that I have made, the second one thus far after The House of God (pictures to come). For after The Tower was razed, one hangs and reflects upon not what they have sacrificed and gave, but what they have taken from the experience. And so the House of God can be Raised with the new gnosis gained.

     I have noticed that the posts on magick and the Path of the A.'.A.'. that Frater A.O. makes are near always contimerous with my own experiences on my Path, and steps to take, waters of wisdom that I needed to partake in as, the current of a river that gives my ship direction. It affirms where I Am and and Going, and at the same time acts as the Chain of the Gnosis that holds the anchor of Certainty and binds one link by link, generation by generation, to the Order.

   The past few weeks have summed all of the above up for me. And as the returning Sun allows me to gaze upon the Waters and see further into its depths, I mistake not the shadows and images that play upon its surface for anything other than reflections.  For to grasp at them stirs the sands below, and all becomes muddy and confused and all that was beheld in clarity is now a cloud of illusion.